Sunday, November 28, 2010

Uptown Cinemas closes; long live Uptown Cinemas!

Thanks to a meetup on the final night, it has come to my attention that The Uptown Cinemas is closing its doors tonight! (The Uptown Cinemas is a movie theatre in the Lower Queen Anne neighborhood of Seattle; it quickly became my favorite movie venue when I moved to Seattle in 2003, though it's been around since 1926.)  Apparently, AMC felt it was no longer "[competing] effectively in the marketplace".

Well, I've been day-dreaming for several years now, actually, about taking the place over and making it a discount theatre of some sort.  Cheap tickets; inexpensive concessions; themed movie nights; and much much more!  I've been dreaming about it for years, and with AMC closing its doors, I guess it's time to turn this dream into reality!  I envision this re-vitalizing as a community-oriented movie theatre for everyone from Uptown to Downtown and beyond.

I went there this evening to watch what would be my last screening there under the AMC umbrella: You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger.  I enjoyed the film (quirky; what else could we expect from Woody Allen?) and the company (from the meetup).  The best part, though, was a chance to do a bit of research.  I asked for a manager, to get information about the ownership of the place.  I wish I'd jotted down her name, I think it was DeAnna?  Anyway, my thank you to her for providing me with information about the owner/landlord of the building.

Meanwhile, I've also started writing up a document about my plans for the place.  And now, I'm starting this blog, so I can keep folks updated, and the word can be spread

Next steps:

  • Contact the landlord, to ask them about their plans for the space, and/or to get a read on what it might take to gain control of the space, so that it can be re-opened.
  • Work more on fleshing out my planning document.
  • Gather supporters around this, and get feedback from them. 
  • Begin the process of writing a formal business plan.
  • Make it happen!

So if you're in a position to help -- from moral support to business plan writing to financial backing, I'd love to hear from you.  Please leave a comment on the blog, and/or drop me an e-mail, at savetheuptowncinema at gmail dot com (please pardon the obfuscation; spam is so insidious).

I'm looking forward to making this happen!

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